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Parser Examples

The contents of this website reside in a repo on GitHub:

In this repo are some example parsers that were created using the grammar presented in the language spec:

  • nearley_js: This directory contains a simple JavaScript parser built using the nearley.js parser generator and moo.js for lexical analysis.

  • antlr: This directory contains configuration files for the ANTLR parser generator.

Both of these examples are just simple parsers. Their output is an abstract syntax tree, and they do not perform any semantic validation. They also do not enforce the syntactic differences between proto2 and proto3 syntax. But they are reasonable starting points for building a more highly-featured parser. Over time, we may augment these parsers to include more features, and we also may add new examples to the list using other parser generators.

Another example that may be interesting to examine, in addition to the above, is the actual parser that powers Buf. It uses YACC for Go (aka Goyacc), so it includes inlined Go code for producing an AST. That configuration can be found here. Lexical analysis in Buf uses a hand-written tokenizer in Go.